Diet. It’s this word that has made us forget about what eating is all about.
It’s about energy, enjoyment, love, and life.
Let me know if you’ve ever said this to your self?
- I can’t eat that because I’m on a diet
- I have to lose weight so I can fit into that dress
- When I lose 10 pounds, then I’ll be happy
It’s not enough that we have to excel in our work, find a good partner, raise a family, manage our finances… we have to look good too!
Or is it rather that…
We WANT the great job, we WANT companionship, we WANT the best for our families, we WANT to earn enough money to be financially free, and by golly, we WANT to have fun and FEEL good doing it!
The Feel Good Moments
It’s not about how you look, it’s about how you FEEL.
Let’s face it, at the end of the day, we all just want to FEEL better.
When you FEEL on top of the world, nothing can stop you. And when you FEEL like the energy and colours have been zapped out of you and your life, well, that’s when things get challenging.
So, how we lose the diet lifestyle for good? It’s simple…Do things that make you FEEL AWESOME!
Dieting, is not one of them. It usually comes from a place where you are not happy with your body image. This is a very common block that comes up for a lot of us, including myself.
Some thought, some belief, or some experience has led you to FEEL unhappy about the way you look.
What if I told you that you could turn this around?
Put Yourself First
Love yourself enough to find joy in all that you are and in all that you do.
That means taking care of yourself. That means putting your oxygen mask on SO THAT you can help those around you.
One of my mentors once told me: ‘If Mamma ain’t right, ain’t noone right!’
Meaning that if you aren’t at 100%, then how are you supposed to give 110%? (I mean come on, we always give over 100%, am I right?!)
When you put yourself first in every aspect of your life, you will reach your highest potential, no question.
Start by working at these three things:
- Get a good night’s sleep
- Eat well
- Don’t worry, be happy
How often do you find yourself snapping at loved ones, only to suddenly realize that you handled a conversation badly because you haven’t been sleeping well…
…and that when you dig deeper, you realize that what is actually going on is that you’re eating sugary snacks or chips before bed while watching TV.
When you hit that 3pm wall, what have you actually nourished yourself with since you got out of bed? … and I’m not just talking about food…
How did you start your day? What did you read? How did you get to work? Do you like what you do? What’s your environment like?
Each and every one of your life environments impacts the way you FEEL.
Self-Discovery is the path to Self-Awareness, and Self-Awareness is the path to change.
Keep reading to catch up on this week’s live training with Guest Speaker Cristel Mydske, Nutritionist and Anti-Inflammatory Coach.

Live with Cristel Mydske
For those that don’t know, I do a weekly live show on Tuesdays at 18:30 CET, that’s Spanish time.
On my show I talk about life coaching and wellness coaching strategies, and some business strategies, depending on the topic, and this year, I’m inviting more guest speakers to help give you different perspectives.
People that tune in are high achievers who want to find and live with more meaning in their lives; ambitious souls who have lost that spark somewhere along the way because we got too busy and distracted, that we stopped putting ourselves first.
I believe that everyone deserves to be happy and put themselves first so that we can change the world and reach our highest potential.
This last Tuesday, I had a guest speaker on the show: Cristel Mydske.
Cristel is a Nutritionist and Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle Coach. She helps entrepreneurial women achieve ultimate success without sacrificing health. Cristel does this using her signature Food Correction System.
You can catch the live show here, but be forewarned, I had a technical difficulty so feel free to start at the 2 min mark.
Download Cristel’s free 3-part audio series
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