
How to Create a Life Strategy Even When You Feel Stuck

If you want an extraordinary life, you need to have an extraordinary strategy for living it. You can’t succumb to fear and you can’t just hope that everything is going to be ok. Your life strategy is shaped by your beliefs, values, personal management system, and therefore the decisions and

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3 Keys to Putting Yourself First

Psssssst! Let me let you in on a little secret… The secret to living a meaningful, fulfilled life is YOU! So why is it that we seem to find a way to make everything other than ourselves a priority? Working through lunch… Going home or sleeping through the alarm vs

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Work SMART, not hard!

High achievers and entrepreneurial professionals like you and I, we’ve got big goals and big dreams. And we work hard too! Sometimes too hard, to the point where we’re actually spinning our wheels and not achieving anything. Are you the type of person who works through their lunch? Do you

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Natalia Edelmann

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