Finance. What a loaded concept slash word slash thought.
Life. What a loaded concept/word/thought.
You see what I did there? hehe
Anyway, so, these past two weeks, I’ve been looking at my finances and reflecting on my goals, and it occurred to me that there are so many people that don’t do this.
Finance, Financial Planning, Investments: These are all terms that most of us have grown up confused, scared, and disinterested about.
It comes down to: It’s just not taught to us until it’s too late.
Not too late to learn or change, but too late in the sense that we have already developed some patterns, ideas, and behaviours around Money and Finance: a Money Mindset.
Money Mindset is an overall attitude that you have about your finances that drives how you make key financial decisions and behaviours every day. It is your ability to achieve your goals.
Let me backup a minute.
The Wheel of Life
Life is made up of at least 12 environments. I say at least 12, because these are the fundamentals like relationships, career, mindset, etc., but there are more.
Think about each of these environments representing a spoke of a wheel, and at the centre of the wheel is a hub, where everything is connected and runs through.
In order for the wheel to turn smoothly and at the speed you want, your wheel spokes need to be the same length and your hub has to be strong and balanced.
Just like you need to be balanced as the hub to your life environments, because everything is connected and runs through you.
What are these life environments?
- human connection and family: relationships
- doing what you love and job satisfaction: career
- cooking, energy and healthy, clean living: food, water, sun, air
- rest, repair and recharge: sleep
- yoga, strength and flexibility: movement
- alignment, authenticity and happiness: purpose
- meditation, love, awareness, caring, acceptance, visualization: spirituality
- attitude and positive energy: mindset
- money mindset and freedom: finances
That’s what holistic wellness is all about:
- Understanding that it’s all connected, that we are all connected
- Being aware of and in touch with our surroundings (i.e. our life environments)
- Getting clear, having standards and SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Timely)
This is where Finance comes in
As I was saying, Finance is this big, scary word to some of us, but it doesn’t have to be. Actually, it’s not even. It is simply a part of life.
It is a means to achieving our goals.
Now, when it comes to life, I have a whole Wellness Team – It includes my doctor, dentist, chiropractor, acupuncturist, massage therapist, coaches, mentors, lawyers, accountants.. you get the idea…
The team member I’m highlighting here is my Financial Advisor (FA), because we start with life and then we talk finances, not the other way around.
Now, I am fascinated with money mindset, which really breaks down to: are you living your life in abundance? OR are you living your life in scarcity?
What’s your Money Mindset?
In other words, if you’re positive about money, you’ll tend to have life goals, a financial plan, and be satisfied with where you’re at.
Versus, if you’re negative about money, you’ll tend to be worried about money, unable to spend and receive it when you want to, likely resulting in you feeling like there’s never enough.
If the latter sounds dismal, it kinda is, but it doesn’t have to be!
Why? Well, allow me to let you in on a little something, in case you don’t already know this: You can choose your mindset.
You can choose your money mindset.
True story! Don’t believe me? Try these four steps:
Step 1: Build awareness and get clear
Be aware of how you feel about money – are you constantly worried and feeling like it’s never enough OR do you not really think about money because you have everything you need.
I say this a lot: Everything starts with intention, and the first step of intention is getting clear.
The challenge that I see all the time, is that most people don’t give themselves the time and space to build awareness and get clear.
This is not something you do in 10 minutes or in between meetings, my friends. Take a whole day if you have to, no distractions, just you and you.
Say it with me: YES I CAN!
Setting a positive money mindset means getting clear about what you want to be, do and have in this world. Then taking that and making SMART Goals.
You’ve gotta get clear so that you know why you’re doing anything.
Finance is not scary. It is simply a means to the life you want to live. Period.
Can you see it in a picture?! If not, make a Vision Board
Questions to ask yourself:
- If you could BE anyone, who would you be and why?
- think character wise: lifestyle, behaviours, characteristics, etc.
- If you could DO anything, what would you do?
- think passion, hobbies, activities, career
- If you could HAVE anything, what would you have?
- this one is easy, but don’t start here. start with BE
Step 2: Planning the plan
Now that you are clear, and you’ve set some SMART Goals, we want to tackle the ‘A’ in ‘SMART’: Action.
You want to structure an action plan that stems from the mindset that your money needs direction and a plan in order to meet your financial goals.
This can be in the form of a budget, but this is also when you need your team: your Financial Advisor.
Where do you find such a team member? Best thing is to ask your friends, parents, relatives, people you trust – I guarantee you know someone in your circle that works with one.
If you don’t for whatever reason, head to your bank and ask to speak with an FA there.
Having an FA on your team can help you fill in any gaps that are missing from a tax, estate, retirement or other financial planning perspective.
There will be fees when you get fancy beyond your typical savings account, and a good FA will disclose these to you and make it part of the conversation. It’s actually the law in countries like Canada.
Get a few opinions if you want – the world is your oyster. Nowadays you can even use a virtual FA.
The bottom line: Find someone that asks and cares about you first and foremost, and/or that complements your level of expertise and experience with money and financial planning.
Step 3: Accept what it is and be open to change
Changing your mindset is all you, and knowing that is half the battle.
What are your money patterns? For example, when you’re out for lunch or dinner, do you look at the price first and then the menu item or do you order and then look at the price?
I’m not saying live beyond your means. What I am saying is your relationship with money matters.
This is all about abundance and feeling abundant. So what is ‘abundance’ anyway?
An abundance mindset keeps in mind every possible favorable outcome for your financial situation while allowing you to be open to each one. ~Ginger Dean, 4 Ways To Shift Your Money Mindset From Scarcity To Abundance
Step 4: Practice Gratitude
This is HUGE! In all aspects of life.
Being grateful leads to an abundance mindset because there is soooooooooo much to be grateful for:
the sun, the moon, the stars, loving parents, airplanes, brother, sister, family visits, running, popcorn, healthcare, plants, smell of lilies, smell of the sidewalk after it’s been raining, puddle jumping, rain boots, romantic comedies, breakfast in bed, my niece’s laughter, swimming pools on a hot day, an uncrowded beach, sandy beaches, snorkeling gear, bicycles, essential oils, glass jars, paintbrushes, primary colours, music, musical instruments, a comfy bed, pillows, catching up with friends, running water, safe drinking water, hot water, water pressure, food, grocery stores, bakeries, farmers’ markets, books, education, spa days, massage, mani/pedis, haircuts, road trips, mentors, coaches, friends, the sea, listening to the waves, boat rides… See what I mean… soooooo much!
What are you grateful for?
I started practicing through journaling, and every day, I say what I’m grateful for.
When you feel you have so much, it’s next to impossible to feel like you don’t have enough.
If you’re curious to learn more about Money Mindset, this is a book that’s on my radar by Jen Sincero, who I love.
It’s called:
You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth
Until next time!
About the Author
Natalia is a Certified Wellness Coach through the International Association of Wellness Professionals (IAWP), a Yin Yoga Teacher, a #1 Best Selling Author, an Independent International Distributor with Young Living, and holds an MBA and CPA.
Natalia is now dedicated to helping people get back to healthy, clean living so that they can have the energy and mindset to live their best life.
Her passion for wellness and helping people comes through in her blog writing as well as in her signature Make it Happen mentorship program geared towards people who are feeling stuck or in a rut so that they can finally get clear and live their life on purpose.
Before transitioning into her role as a Wellness Coach, Natalia worked at one of the top Canadian Wealth Management firms in Canada, acting not only as a coach and mentor to her staff, but also as acting co-chair and mentor to women enrolled in their Women’s Mentorship Program.
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